Caminito del Rey Spain (Map, Tickets, Photos, Tour)

Caminito del Rey

Beautiful architecture and lovely culture are the first things that come into mind when you think of Spain. Nestled in a neighboring area with Portugal, this gorgeous country is also a destination for those who appreciate nature’s natural landmarks and beauties. Caminito del Rey is a significant location to take your family on a nice adventure. If you’re an adventurer make sure to add Caminito del Rey, one of the top things to do in Malaga, to your bucket list. Let’s get into the beauties of Spain, learn more, and explore Caminito del Rey.

Caminito del Rey Spain

Caminito del Rey in Spain is a famous attraction and the most popular Malaga walkway. This walkway is situated on a cliff and provides scenic views and walks that can be a thrill for adventurers and travelers.

Once, Caminito del Rey, Spain, was one of the most dangerous and scary walks in the world and had a reputation for being scary.

Although today, this walkway is safer with the advancements that were built in 2015, it is still successful in attracting tourists and travelers, especially those who want to have a thrill in Spain.

Caminito del Rey Location & Map

Caminito del Rey’s location is in the Ardales near Malaga, which is the southern part of Spain. It is along the narrow gorge in El Chorro and has the best atmosphere for hiking and exploring (Location on map).

The full length of Caminito del Rey is about 7.8 kilometers.  The walkway introduces not only scenic views but also a chance to explore the unseen beauties of Spain, which stretches from north to south.

Caminito del Rey map
Caminito del Rey Map – Photo source:

The location of Caminito del Rey is close to Malaga, and it can be an ideal experience if you have this province on the list of must-see destinations in Spain.

Caminito del Rey History

Caminito del Rey also known as King’s Little Pathway, is a scenic walkway. This pathway was built in 1905 and received the nickname of the most dangerous walk in the world several times since then.

The construction of this walkway took almost 4 years to complete. The name “Caminito del Rey” was given to this place in 1921 by King Alfonso the 13th.

Caminito del Rey Location
Caminito del Rey

In 2015, the attraction was rebuilt and had several renovations to make it easier and safer for hikers and tourists alike.

An interesting fact about Caminito del Rey is that it was built to provide workers of hydroelectric power plants a transportation option. Today, this walkway is used for hiking and tourism purposes.

The Atmosphere of Caminito del Rey

Suspended high above a spectacular gorge known as El Chorro, the Caminito del Rey invites visitors to a unique experience.

A very beautiful walk, under the gorgeous weather of Arades (Malaga) at Caminito del Rey is the only thing that you should go for if you truly want to explore the natural landmarks of Spain and their atmosphere.

Caminito del Rey Spain
Caminito del Rey Spain

Overall, the Caminito del Rey tour is a must-do activity in Malaga, providing a great insight into Spain’s natural landmarks and attractions, and a time to explore the Spanish atmosphere.

Caminito del Rey Tours

Caminito del Rey, Spain, is a popular spot for hikers. This attraction has different tour packages and tour guides that you can choose to explore the area.

Caminito del Rey tours offer a chance to have an adventure with a guided group and experts. You will also have the opportunity to learn more about the background story of this place and have a great time with it.

Caminito del Rey tours are affordable and flexible and also offer pick-up and drop-off options. Some of the tours also feature dining options, perfect for those who want to truly enjoy the atmosphere of this place.

Caminito del Rey Reviews

Caminito del Rey is a jaw-dropping location, and its visitors mainly reviewed this place positively. Caminito del Rey reviews often talk about the beauty of this location and its scenic atmosphere.

Caminito del Rey provides an amazing experience, and you can enhance your experience by choosing a tour guide.

Also, after the rebuilding of this attraction, it has gotten much safer, making it easier for all kinds of travelers to enjoy this location.

Caminito del Rey Reviews
Caminito del Rey Reviews

Caminito del Rey has several pathways and tracks, and you can explore all day at this gorgeous walkway in Spain.

Caminito del Rey Tickets

Caminito del Rey Tickets range from 10 Euro. If you want to go to the Caminito del Rey with your family, remember that children under 8 cannot access the location, and having an original ID or family book is important.

The general admission for Caminito del Rey tickets is 10 EU, and you can choose an official guide that talks in English and Spanish for 18 EU.

Caminito del Rey tickets for a shuttle bus are 3 EU, and if you’ve brought your car to use Caminito del Rey parking, it is about 2 EU.

How to Get There?

The easiest way to get to the Caminito del Rey is to use a car. Caminito del Rey parking features large spaces if you want to use a rental car.

Rental cars are available in the closest big cities, such as Malaga, and you can find your way to Caminito del Rey from Malaga using Google Maps. Moreover, if you do not want to rent a car, the easiest way is to use a train or shuttle bus.

Caminito del Rey Photos
Caminito del Rey Photos

Online taxi platforms are also operational to get there. But, if you are joined in a guided tour or want to choose a Caminito del Rey tour, don’t worry because they have pick-up and drop-off options.

Caminito del Rey Website:

Restaurants Nearby

Well, one of the most frequent questions about this place is the nearby restaurants. Right at the starting point of the trail and the starting point of your entire experience, there is a nice restaurant that offers a wide range of menus.

The Restaurant El Kiosko features dishes, snacks, and all of the things that you may need for your experience. From this restaurant, you are faced with two different walking routes, and there is a map to guide you.

Tips and Suggestions

As for the tips and suggestions, first of all, we can mention bringing a camera. The Caminito del Rey is filled with beautiful spots and locations that will catch your attention. So, bring a camera and capture the beautiful moments.

Moreover, before going to Caminito del Rey, check the weather. There aren’t any special shelters in the location since it is situated on a cliff. Also, bring all of the gear you may need for hiking.

Caminito del Rey Tour
Caminito del Rey Tour

A great pair of shoes and proper clothing can benefit you at the Caminito del Rey. Last but not least, don’t be scared to go to the Caminito del Rey. It is an easy walk and a safe experience where you can spend 1 to 3 hours of your day.

Facts about Caminito del Rey

Caminito del Rey went under development in 2015, and it was very dangerous before that.

Caminito del Rey is a dramatic location, and you can easily feel its beauty if you explore Caminito del Rey photos.

This attraction was also featured in several movies, such as The Horsemen (1971), Scent of Mystery (1960), and Von Ryan’s Express (1965).

Caminito del Rey is about 8 kilometers, and its original name was given by King Alfonso XIII.

The translation of the Caminito del Rey is “King’s Little Walk.”

Final Words

Caminito del Rey is a popular walkway situated in a seamless location where you can explore the atmosphere of Spain. This landmark is the ideal destination for hikers and adventurers. Caminito del Rey is where drama and fantasy combine and create a scenic location where you can have the best time of your life in Malaga. A jaw-dropping adventure and, for some people, a scary hike. Nevertheless, Caminito del Rey is definitely worth visiting. So, pack your stuff and be ready for a unique adventure.

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